tagged hmotifs

What Have I Been Up To Lately?

Other than the collaborative projects I have been brought on board to, I have been drawing more mandalas in my style. It is an evolution of what my "hmotifs" have become. Creating these have been calming and I will be making more in the future. As to sharing them, please have patience.

I haven't posted the news here but I did make a personal facebook and separate instagram statement on a very personal matter that I will leave there. I will simply state here that I do not post a lot to social media in comparison to my youth. I do check them frequently so if you would like to know more about me, please contact me directly at victoriakabvang@gmail.com

Hope you are all having a wonderful start to 2021! Please continue to stay safe and care for one another.


Making my prints gold.

During the summer I experimented with more heat transfer foils, specifically in the color gold. I really liked it and should probably get a larger laminator in order to make larger prints for myself but I can say that this was a success. I originally designed this back in February to show off for Valentines and intended to use a red foil but I am glad I waited.

I recently transferred my domain back to carbonmade. Since I already had most of my past work here, it made sense to just have it all on here again rather than multiple places. I hope to continue to create more work and put them all here for everyone to see.

Thanks for stopping by!
